» what's new
New happenings in the world of Randy Byrnes...


The short answer to "what's new" - is on the website!!  Yes, you can learn about me, where my next gigs are, listen to my music and buy my CD! 

And if you want to stay up to date on "What's New" - just put your name on my mailing list and I'll send you email updates on happenings and my deepest thoughts (no spam, I promise!)

Have you considered Me (Randy) for.....

Parties, wine dinners, corporate do's, weddings, openings, closings, birthdays, funerals & wakes, (yup, I've done "em both), engagements, disengagements; just ask....

From the desk & pen of Me (Randy)...


Current Musings - 3-10-16

         Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most

My personal 2nd favorite season,  right behind a nice HOT summer....
Finally did my bodily self a favor and got out of the wine barrel throwing business and am “self employed”, playing piano and selling some premium wine for Whistling Dog Cellars. Ah, what I’ve grown up to be.

I ain't no sales dude. I open, pour, you likee, you buy and I move on down the road. Talk has no place in music, wine or any thing that has the ability to taste, sound, feel or look good. This wine is the best value in the history of Pinot Pinor! Check it out....

Been writing and deep in the middle of recording some of my most recent vocal alt, gospel, existential sound poems. I never stop writing and part of the process is falling in love with the most recent stuff and right now there are 3 going on.  Not bad for an old single guy! Constant love affairs of this sort are mysterious and far more personal than the romantic kind. I don’t have to bring flowers or get into justified arguments about laundry style or toilet paper direction but, similarly I am constantly reminded about doing it “right” from where ever those reminders come from.

I have been working with old friend Mike Noguer, a drummer engineer and his musical family in Olympia WA. I played with in my first band with Mike, Three Deep, In the OC back when orange blossoms were still in the air and personal lottery #’s were one’s kiss of fate.

I will be doing solo music and telling tales in a basement; a dark and soulful Speakeasy at Archive Coffee and Bar in Salem, March 25. Above ground is way to dangerous these days with herds of  insane “micro parts” elephants on the loose. Only 20 seats but, a private bar! I’ll be looking for the right hat and sunglasses (underworld necessities) to compliment the culture of the evening.            

Past Musings - 4/20/12

Oh My Aching Back...

My excuse for not being current is the social media salad bar that expands by the day... and my worthless expenditure of valuable time surfing...for what?

My body is aching lately and I have to make some adjustments to the life style of throwing around wine barrels and cases for a living. Arthritis of the spine; nuff said.

Need a new job...
So, help me out here. Have your people talk to my people about spreading my musical seeds; Santa Fe, Carnegie Hall, Hollywood Bowl, tea parties, Secret Service room parties, rehab clinic birthday parties etc. Just show me the dough! Currently playing at the Wellspring Grill on Friday nights up until Mother's Day when they, like other Titanic gigs I've had have chosen me to play closing day. I must look like I can't swim...

Numerous "Garage Band" recording projects in the fire all at once. The plan is get my original vocals in some kind of order to market to the "spiritually like minded community" and to market my instrumental music to Hollywood period pieces that include bell bottoms and sideburns.

There are a growing number of original tunes in which I seem to be channeling the late 60's and 70's quasi bossanova era. Kinda like Stan Getz meets Austin Powers... They're both dead, right??? I don't know where this shit comes from but it takes me back to long hair and late night car radio in SoCal when I was trying to score a different tune in a Ford Fairlane bench seat. Check out my Reverbnation site to listen to some of the works in progress.

  • Rebecca was written on my New Mexico trip, 2010; Road 11 on NM trip, 2011 to Christ in the Desert Monastery in Northern New Mexico.
  • High Street about the boulevard of my former residence in Salem.
  • Thursday's for Coffee is a tribute to my man (author) Wes Vollmer. We do coffee and float upon some pretty magic cognitive clouds each week for the last 4 years.
  • Hollie's Mettle about a spirited and strong lady who enriched my dreaded grape harvest life.
  • All Alone Friday Night - 8:00 & no one in the wine bar I was playing. Kinda lonely...
  • At the Borderline is a very personal vocal piece about my the delusions of conflict (like fucking wars for oil wrapped in conservative religious dribble)
  • The Good News is Quiet - a church song

Off to the Monastery again this Summer to kick off the moss.


Past Musings - 8/22/10

Ok, Ok, OK! Here's the latest...

Got lotsa shit in fans way....

Just got back from a two week (solo) road trip to Colorado and New Mexico. There are stories to go along with the highlights and (seriously) if you'd like details just ask.

A Turkey Burger in Brigham City, Utah (the best I EVER had!!!)

Traded some of me at the piano for a room & great grub at a couple of Dude Ranches in Southern Colorado; the heavenly San Juan Mts and one near Mesa Verde National Park.

Four nights in an hermitage at a Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, NM. Three squares, thunderstorms, a corkscrew & serenity as far as I could see. So far the best days of my life!

Five Nights on the Plaza in Santa Fe (one, my birthday). Frito Pie & absolutely the best looking people in my world. I had horns I never imagined... Disneyland for people watchers.

Phenomenal NPR in the Four Corners area, I'll tell you. That, an audio book, my iPod touch, red rocks, green mesas, & cruise control....

Got new CD stuff in the works, real variety. It's kind like the Ed Sullivan Show & I play all the parts (from the waist up).

Great new current collaboration with digital artist The Codifyer codifyer.wordpress.com

3 new vidz on YouTube: Art, Music, Song & Spoken Word. This could be some hip & provocative shit for the A/D/D culture... www.youtube.com/user/RandyByrnes

Jenni is SKYDIVING!!! Docking & dancing with "like minded" others over exotic Molalla, Oregon.

Had eye surgery in March and more in October; what am I gonna say, no, I don't want to see any more hotties or endless rainy days?

Past Musings - 8/22/09

It's Been a While

It's been a while... I've been busy trying out the sound bite dimension of Face Book and Twitter. They are only as good as the truth that is told, and usually soooo trite. Trite is something they put in Menudo and recommend for hangovers isn't it? I am currently docked at the pier getting a little shore time after an 18 month odyssey of recording the latest CD of piano solo stuff. It took a shit load of existential angst and the result is just fine for me. Anyone that knows me knows that for me to fine with me, is heretofore unheard of! There are originals as well as some of my soul's dearest love affairs. In the last week I've already written two more, so the juice is flowing & there's no telling how sticky it will get.

And BTW, what is unAmerican about good health? If it won't fit neatly into an SUV in plastic bags from Wal Mart and come in value meals (with a diet Coke please), it must be a Communist plot. The death squad has already struck; all you have to do is look around (if your eyes are big enough) at all the diabetic, heart diseased fatsos living the American dream whose intensive care we are paying for right now!

My Twitter name is IDEECLARE and you can find me on Face Book if I haven't already shot it to hell with my god given assault rifle.

Past Musings - 1/19/09

Overflowing with Inspiration

I've been waiting for inspiration for the latest "What's New". Today I'm overflowing! Since I've past enough milestones, I now celebrate my 1/2 birthdays; since this is the first celebration of this kind, yesterday I turned 1/2. Picture me in a high chair (diapered) a half a candle in some prune oatmeal and a glass of Pinot Noir. This way I can annually tie my Radio Flyer wagon to my favorite American hero, Martin Luther King and remain as inconspicuous as ever.

Which brings me to the real point of this entry; I am as excited as I've ever been to be an American and feeling a holiday spirit the likes of which my limited verbal ability will not even approximately describe. Pardon the following impassioned and inadequate attempt...

WARNING: Children be advised the following may not be suitable for Republicans over the age of 10.


My fellow Americans.... let me down with a thud these last 8 years. I have been ashamed... and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm sure I've had something to do with the calamity that has been my citizenship. A wave of great healing has past over my bow and damn it ... Bless America! Certainly my bitching has had nothing to do with the courage of some pretty special countrymen believing in some principals I was willing to dismiss as historically incorrect. Even the political process can render a miracle now and then.

The HBO concert "do" yesterday overwhelmed me with goose bumps and leaking facial holes. What a triumph for US!

And folks.... that demonstration of joy and freedom and HOPE (and the feeling sweeping this Country) would not have come at any event that included Sarah Palin or any member of the Bush family or cabinet, ever!

I'm a proud Democrat and nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!

I came from a childhood in Detroit where I was taught (by teachers and family) to fear and despise black people. As I meandered my way through those conflicted times questioning (silently, absolutely silently) the sense of it all, I saw something I was very attracted to and it has lasted. The culture, the humor, the warmth, the beauty of those "colored people"; there was something very good there for me. They gave me gifts (for me, most notably music) that can't be taken away and yesterday I saw humanity in a demonstration of oneness that took me to my soggy knees; right here in this recently tarnished & bludgeoned US of A.

I apologize for my family, my neighbors and me for living the poison of bigotry.

Yet somehow I am so grateful for the gifts that have been given to me and my country because of their suffering. And to my country, for having done something Right, (not right).

I really don't know if I'm happier for black people or for my country... happy is Ok for even me.

Past Musings - 10/31/08

Here Comes the Dark

Today is the first day of the longer of the two seasons in the Northwest I call the Dark; the sky was licorice mud soup and falling (evenly not dramatically) and that was daytime. Thoughts turn in and I'm not sure there is enough room for them all to rest comfortably until the next and other (but shorter) season called the Dim. This years Dim came late and borrowed time from the Dark, that will be paid back! The last grapes came off the vines yesterday (October 30th) representing the frolic that is The Day Job; and yes I am listening to all of you who say don't quit the....

My problems actually started when I took my first day job; where were my friends (back in the day) who never said don't quit your night job (music)! I was always so sure I could go back any time.

My biggest fear of the day thing has been some kind of injury that would keep me from playing music. Let me tell you, be wary of your biggest fear. I severely sprained my wrist carting pizza to the migrant workers on the first day of crush. Boy was I pissed at myself, my life, pizza, and pain. After canceling a couple of gigs (the Hollywood Bowl and Carnegie hall) I learned a new and substitute style of piano playing using mostly fingers 3,4,and 5.... softly. I never thought I'd be excited to do scales but... last night I made it through without my Ace bandage!

Took my son Rheese to see Little Feat the other night, 90 minutes of rock and roll perfection. Happy crowd & the warm smell of cannabis, faint and referring to another time. Just yesterday...

Still fussing with Garage Band (recording) and feeling the urge to write again. Songs of woe about how the imagination and appreciation of beauty don't deteriorate like they should with the disappearance of my own personal attraction. 'snot fair.

I love to play parties, I just don't like to go to them.

Deep Thoughts

"Don't pretend to be a candle be a moth, so you may taste the savor of life & know the power in serving" - Rumi

"The first duty of Love is to listen" - Paul Tillich

Past Musings - 9/20/08

Summer is Over

Summer is over (my favorite time of the year & I live above the 45th parallel so it's too damn short), I suffer from (or should I just say "experience") depression at least in part brought on by the shortening days and they are in a hurry to get shorter and I seem to be in a hurry to get even more depressed. I am so fucking old that I had to go to a foot doctor (told no one of my recent milestone birthday and behold.... heard from.... no one) & weird things are growing on my head.  Do "Hockey Moms" drive Plymouth Voyagers, drink skinny vanilla Latte's and buy produce at Costco? Wasn't it just yesterday that Liberal political philosophy and "doctrine" was noble? I'm so friggin wishey washey that.... I have been trying to like John McCain. For me... the best America has had to offer came in the 1930's and what a long slow slide...

I live in a country that reelected W (I guess that is not new). My day job will usher, and rain chaos in a matter of minutes that will stretch into 16 hour days. I was contacted by a few friends from long ago and I remembered when I had hope...

I'm going nuts with Garage Band (recording program that comes on a Mac). I'm dense & ignorant about such stuff but what a toy for a loner. I'm recording originals and some covers and haven't had to deal with one guitar ego or drummer arrival time mysteries. And... I found the elusive bass player... my left hand. It comes to every session and hasn't threatened to leave for a better gig!

But , I'm entering a period of exposure, review, & scrutiny; historically I would get pretty hard on myself and I can hear the footsteps. It's time to put a flag on the pole (creatively speaking, of course) and I'm afraid it might rain...

I have a couple of real special piano students right now and I actually think I may be able to help them get deeper into their dream. Ain't the piano just the greatest instrument & ain't the universe big...? I'm a hack and there's still enough creative space for me to be of some service. If I had it to do over again I'd be a beauty contestant because I really want "world peace" & bee hive hair and a political future.

Remember, "God gives wings to those who are not content to ride an ass" and "by God, there's no death worse than expectation"- Rumi

Past Musings - 9/11/07

Excogitations (I'm not kidding)

You won't get much from me on 9/11, I don't think I'm arrogant enough (arrogant, not arrogant enough) to believe that I can, or should, tell anyone how to meditate on such matters, though I'll pray for all and seek constant aid in being the peace I seek.

It's been a while, like back in the day, when I was a man of letters, if I didn't have wise enlightenments to pass, accolades to drop, I left the building. So this could be short...

I've been attending to the "next" CD between seemingly meaningless & persistent mega-shards of souless "day-job" enemy fire. 6 originals and 6 covers. I'm excited and I've even done the outline before the essay; I just have to get over tiring revision addiction. The personnel is vaguely committed and after working with my man Strider on his 'legacy" CD I am more motivated than ever. Us old fucks can call it a legacy 'cause we may never get asked to do the stuff for hire or sell any associated wares, since there just may not be anyone that cares. It is kind of like Life Insurance, there is always ... family, ...family. They can put it in a scrapbook and tell lies about it to the yet to be born; and I will have bequeathed to an unknown and possibly absent audience. In spite this ever present ambiguity, my product too is new and improved!

Things have gotten so weird for me I just bought Elvis' '68 Comeback Special & loved it. Worse than that..... I got it! I am now covering Baby What You Want Me To Do.

Why don't young women look inappropriate to old dudes?

Whatever happened to 5 and 6 night gigs in the same "club"? Oh, you just can't go home again.....

Anthem by Leonard Cohen (covered by many) just may be the most perfect song ever written. I get chills when even I do it!

Past Musings - 6/20/07

Back "from the dessert to the sea and all of Southern California"; recorded 4 tunes with my oldest and best friend Mike Tingley, a brother of the road and occasionally the ditch. Perhaps those of you in Colorado in 1974 remember "Two Piece Snack"; far to busy to record, we worked 7 nights a week back in the day. Mike's CD will be out soon and I'll have it on my site, got to kick a little ass on the B3. This will be a fine and short CD featuring his son & producer Travis on guitar. What a time to remember!!! It was a trip....

I'm very enthused and starting soon on a CD of originals and covers using the organ and piano and Travis will somehow be the guitar player.

The Salem World Beat is coming up www.worldbeatfestival.org, I'll be there and so SHOULD you for yourself and the community and the World: just do it!

Past Musings - 5/30/07

Friday June, 1 will be my last night at Allesandro's until the "back by popular demand" dynamic sets in, so, come on down, show up dammit! It's not gonna put me in a new tax bracket, but I really like playing there and.... I like so totally like feel I'm like a totally good fit. A show of support would be like so totally awesome.

The Salem World Beat thing & gig at the end of the month is cool. The festival is a major statement about 'community" and I am privileged to have been on the steering committee for all of it's ten years. Something else to "show up" for, just do it!

CD sales are outasite man! (remember that one) Pretty soon I'll be able to buy a tune up for my bike that I ride to work for my "day job".

I'll be tripping to So Cal in a couple of weeks to get hot (at least warm) and look for some bitchin plaid shorts in Palm Springs, scam for gigs, drink wine with the 60 year old Strider McKenzie and get a mud pack at Glen Ivy Spa.

My goal is to start working on a new CD, one with vocals, favorite covers, and some originals with other players. I'm stuck on the personnel thing right now, the bass and drums are the first to choose, and they gotta work really well together. There will be some sax, flute, violin and hopefully bottleneck guitar as well. I've just got to make decision and get started, I've got the tunes, it's just the staffing thing... I'm really looking forward to laying down some Hammond stuff, yippee!

©2007 Randy Byrnes